Ways to Support the GSOThe Germantown Symphony Orchestra is a non-profit [501(c)(3)] organization that has delighted audiences and enriched the community for nearly 50 years. You can support the GSO by making a tax-deductible donation, or, if you are a business, organization, or cause, by placing an ad in our programs. Remember to ask your employer about their Matching Gifts offer for donations to organizations their employees support.
Where to Give Mid-SouthYou can view the GSO's profile on the LiveGive website, and also give to the Germantown Symphony Orchestra via the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis, which includes the ability to make monthly donations.
Tennessee Arts Thrive
VolunteerThe GSO is an all-volunteer community orchestra. We are thankful for our many volunteers and their contributions of time, energy, and services. If you are interested in volunteering with the GSO, please let us know.
For volunteer opportunities, please contact: [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you! |